Draft 1 is now (really) ready for submission.

Writing progress as of 1st March 2019.

OK, writing a synopsis is hard.

It’s been a week getting everything ready for submission - I thought I was just about there, but it seems that distilling your 120,000 words down to a single page in order to sell it is really quite tricky.

Add to that the research needed on each potential agent, each of whom has a different submission policy, and it adds up to a week of brain twisting effort. So of course, 4pm on a Friday I’m ready to go… which is hardly a sensible time to submit anything.

Monday morning I will be sending out the queries - this weekend I’ll try and ignore the nagging voice in the back of my head which will no doubt be asking me to just check over it once more…

Draft 1 is now (really) ready for submission.

On Writing